Phone 07584486799

Please read before booking
These are our terms and conditions please read carefully before booking. If you have any questions please contact us for further information. These terms and conditions will be considered as agreed with each booking.
We understand that every cat owner needs to be confident that their pets will be well cared for in their absence and fully encourage prospective clients to visit our premises before making a booking. This provides an opportunity for the client to inspect the accommodation and familiarise themselves with our terms and conditions. It also gives us a chance to discuss any individual needs that may be requested.
Tariff from 1st January 2025
1 Cat - £15.00 per day
2 Cats - 24.00 per day(sharing)
3 Cats - £37.00 per day(sharing family suite)
4 Cats - £48.00 per day(sharing family suite)
Charges are calculated daily, starting with the day of arrival and ending with the day of departure these days are both charged for. Fees normally include food from our stock menu ( non-prescription diets ), heating, veterinary insurance and lots of TLC.
There is a surcharge of £1.00 per day to administer medication £2.00 for diabetic cats
Minimum Stay Periods
Our minimum stay / charge throughout the year is 2 days.
All cattery bookings are subject to availability. Please check our website for availability or contact us by phone or email.
All boarders will be covered by our comprehensive insurance.
Cancellations or changes; if you need to cancel or change a booking please provide more than 7 days notice in writing or by email as failure to do so will result in the full period of the booking being charged. If you are changing a booking we cannot guarantee that your new booking dates will be available. In the event of a cat being removed before the end of the period booked, we reserve the right to charge for the full period booked.
A non refundable deposit of £40 is payable on booking,
if the stay is less than this then the full payment must be paid upon booking.
Deposits must be paid via bank transfer after you have received your confirmation email
and no longer than 3 days from this date.​
Full payment is required on the date of arrival.
We accept: Cash, most Debit and credit card payments or direct Bank Transfer ( internet banking )
Opening Hours
Monday 09.00-10.30am 16.00-17.30
Tuesday 09.00-10.30am 16.00-17.30
Wednesday 09.00-10.30am 16.00-17.30
Thursday 09.00-10.30am 16.00-17.30
Friday 09.00-10.30am 16.00-17.30
Saturday 09.00-10.30am 16.00-17.30
Sunday Closed
Please note were are closed on Sundays for dropping off and collection but your lovely pets can still board on this day.
Public Holidays
Please note that on the following public holidays we are closed for the dropping off and collection of pets:
Bank Holiday Mondays and good Friday
December – 25th, 26th
January – 1st
Vaccination requirements
Regulations stipulate that all cats boarding in a cattery must have a valid certificate for cat flu (feline herpesvirus) and feline calcivirus and feline enteritis (feline panleukopenia virus). Some vets also use additional vaccinations against feline chlamydiosis and feline leukaemia virus. These additional vaccinations are not essential for cattery boarding and the cats will not have any contact with each other during their stay. A valid current vaccination certificate must be produced at time of arrival.
Vaccinations should have been done at least 14 days before arrival at the cattery. If they are done less than a week there is a risk that your cat’s immunity levels may be low and they may not be fully protected against infection.
We regret that we will not accept any cat into the cattery if they have never been vaccinated. The vaccination certificate will be retained by Barn View Cattery during the boarding period.
In addition to your vaccination certificate we ask that your cat must be treated against worms and fleas prior to boarding. This is to help keep our facilities hygienic and clean for all of our guests. If any guest is found to have worms or fleas, we will contact you or your nominated contacts to arrange a treatment from your vet at the owners cost.
We are happy to administer any medication, including injections, which have been prescribed by a vet, provided full and clear instructions are left by the owner. There will be an extra charge of £1.00 per day for the administration of medication. If your cat(s) are on medication it is the owners responsibility to ensure that sufficient medication is brought for the duration of their stay.
Your vets details must be supplied at the time of booking, we will confirm this information at arrival. Should your cat require veterinary attention during their stay with us we will make every effort to consult with your own vet. However, if their need is urgent, if your vet is an unreasonable distance away, if they do not offer a 24hr out of hours service, or for any other unforeseeable reason we reserve the right to consult our own veterinary practice. Charges for veterinary consultation & treatment will be passed to the owner.
Neutered Cats
We can only accept neutered cats to board.
All cats ( male or female ) over the age of 6 months, who are not neutered, cannot be accepted for boarding, as they could present an infection hazard and/or disruption to other resident cats. Please speak with a member of the team if you have any questions on this matter.
Only cats from the same household can share the same family unit. If behaviour between the cats sharing a family pen is observed to be causing unnecessary stress to each party, we will contact you or your allocated contacts and request we separate where possible. This will incur an extra charge for a separate pen at the cost of the owner.
Other information
You are responsible for transporting your cat in a suitable safe and secure carrier.
Bedding and personal items: We are able to provide beds for cats. Should you wish to bring you own bedding this must be in a clean condition. Any bedding, toys and other comfort items are all left at your own risk.
All cats must be dropped off and collected during our normal opening hours.
Any medicines/prescription food must be supplied by the owner at time of boarding.
Your cats photo maybe used for social media/ our website, if you do not wish us to use their image please contact us.
A condition of boarding is that your cat is in a fit and healthy condition. Any cat showing signs of ill health may be refused admission, to safeguard the health of all boarding cats.
Whilst every care and precaution is taken to safeguard the health and wellbeing of all cats, they are boarded entirely at the owner’s own risk. If any animal is not collected within 7 days of the stated departure date and no communication received either from the owner or nominated contact, we reserve the right to re-home them.